complete Guide for DOP Finacle,CSI and department Programs

Friday, October 25, 2019

DOP-FINACLE menu scheme wise

CIF IDs Related menus for DOP Finacle
1. CDEDUP - To see whether the customer is already a existing customer
2. CCRC/CIFCR - For creation of CIF
3. CCRC/CIFCR - CIF creation needs a verification by Supervisor
4. CMRC/CIFMD - CIF Modification
5. CMRC/CIFMD - Suspension of CIF ID
6. HCCA - Merger of CIF ID
7. HCRV - Inquiring of CIF IDs(Customer Relationship View) SB ACCOUNT
1. CASBAO/QDESA - For opening a savings account
2. CASBAV/QDESAVF - For verification of an opened account
3. CASBAOM/QDEMSABV - For modification of an account BEFORE verification
4. CASBAM/QDEMSA - For modification of an account AFTER verification
5. CTM/CXFER - For cash and transfer transactions respectively
6. HPBP - Pass Book Printing
7. HCAAC - To close a savings account and for verification for closure
8. CNAC - Finding out the new account number from the Old account number
9. HCBM - Changing the status of the customer from Minor to Major 
TD Account Related Menu for DOP finacle 
1. CMISAO/ MISAOP` - To open an account
2. CMISAOPV/ MISAVF - Verification by Supervisor
3. CMISAOPM / MISAMBV - To modify an account before verification
4. CMISAM /MISAMAV - To modify an account after verification
5. TRCDP/ CTM - Fund an account by cash
6. TRTFR/HXFER/CXFER - Fund an account by through transfer
7. HTDTRAN - Transaction inquiry
8. TDRED/HTDREN - To renew a TD account
9. HCAACTD/TDACTCL - To close a TD account
10. HCAACVTD/TDACTCLV - Verification of closer 
MIS ACCOUNT Related Menus
1. CMISAOP/MISAO - To open an account
2. CMISAOPV/MISAVF - Verify the account
3. CMISAOPM/MISAMBV - Modification Before Verification
4. CMISAM/MISAMAV - Modification After Verification
5. HCAACTD - For closure/ pre-closure of the account,
6. HCAACVTD - Verification
7. HTM - Interest to be paid by debiting SUNDARY DEPOSIT MIS 
SCSS ACCOUNT Related Menus
1. CSCAOP/SCSSAO - For opening an SCSS deposit account
2. CSCAOPM/SCSSMBV - Modification BEFORE Verification
3. CSCAOPV/SCSSAV - The account opening verification
4. CSCAM/SCSSMAV - Account modification AFTER Verification
5. HCAACTD - Closure of an SCSS account
6. HCAACVTD - Closure verification 
RD Account Related Menu in DOP Finacle
1. CRDOAAC/RDAOCM - For opening of recurring deposit account
2. CRDOAACV/RDAOVF - Verification of opening
3. CRDOAACM/RDMAO - Modification in the account before verification
4. CRDACM - Modification in the account After verification
5. RDAMT/CRDP - RD Account transaction maintenance
6. CRDCAAC/RDACLM - For closure of recurring deposit account
7. CRDCAACV/RDACLM - Verification of the closure account 
PPF Account Related Menu in Finacle
1. CPPFAO/PPFAO - To open a PPF account
2. CPPFAV/PPFACVF - Verification
3. CPDTM - Funding and for all the future deposits in the PPF account
4. CPWTM - Part withdrawal
5. HAFSM - To unfreeze the account for
6. PPFAMBV/CPPFAOM - PPF A/c can be modified before verification
7. PPFAMAVF/CPPFAM - PPF A/c modification after verification
8. PPFAEXT/HCEXTN - PPF A/c Extension
9. HCAAC - To close a PPF account 
NSC/KVP Account Related Menu
1. CSCOAAC/NSCAO - For Opening a NSC Account
2. CSCOAACV/NSCAOVF - Verification
3. HDRP - For printing NSC
4. CSCOAACM/NSCAMBV - Modification of an NSC account can be done BEFORE verification
5. CSCACM/NSCAM - Modification AFTER Verification can
6. CSCCAAC/NSCAC - For closing an account and this require verification
by the Supervisors by the same menu option
7. HPR - Report can be viewed
8. CSCACM/NSCAM - For modification of a KVP account
9. CSCCAAC/NSCAC - For premature closure/closure on maturity of a KVP
10. HCCA - Transfer of KVP Account from one customer to another customer 11. HACLITD - For balance inquiry in a KVP account. 
1. CAOLARD/RDHWAO - To open a loan account against RD
2. CAOMLARD/RDHWAMBV - For Modification Before Verification
3. CACMLARD/RDHWAMAV - For Modification After Verification
4. CAOVLARD/RDHWAVF - Verification
5. LARDD/RDHWDP - For disbursement of the sanctioned amount
6. HLAUPAY - For making unscheduled payments (for both bullet and monthly installment loans)
7. HLASPAY - For making scheduled payments ( for monthly installment loans)
8. HPAYOFF/CAACLA - For closure of the account
9. HPAYOFF/CAACLA - Verification of closer 
1. CLPPFAO/PPFLAO - To open a loan account against PPF
2. CLPPFAOV/PPFLAVF - Verification
3. CLPPFAOM/PPFLAMBV - Modification before verification
4. CLPPFAM/PPFLAMAV - Modification after verification
5. CPWTM/PPFWLINT - For PPF Withdrawal, Loan Disbursement and Interest Recovery
6. Invoke the menu option CLPR and HACINT before proceeding with account closure
7. CPDTM/ PPFDPLR - For the repayment of the loan and closing the loan account
8. CPDTM/PPFDPLR - Verification 
1. HIOT - Inquire on transaction
2. HIOGLT - Inquiry on GL transaction
3. HACLINQ - Office Account Ledger Inquiry
4. HACLPOA - Office A/c. Ledgers Print 
1. HAITINQ - Account Interest Inquiry
2. HCUIR - Customer Interest Inquiry
3. HAINTRPT - Account Interest report
4. HINTTI - Interest Details Inquiry
5. HLINTI - Inquiry on Interest
6. HIARM - Interest Adjustment 
1. HCCI - Customer wise charges Inquiry 
2. IFD - Inquire Fee details 
3. CCCSA - Closed Charges For Silent Account 
4. HGCHRG - General Fees 
1. HPICSL - Print inward clearing statement 
2. HMICZ - Print inward clearing validation report 
3. HREJREP - Clearing rejection report 
4. HINWREMI - Inward Remittance Details Report 
5. HOUTREMI - Outward Remittance Details Report 
6. HOIQ - Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry 
7. HTRFTOPC - Transfer File to PC 
1. HCULA - Loan accounts of customer report 
2. HLNGI - Loan General Details 
3. HLACLI - Ledger Inquiry
1. HACS - Account Selection 
2. HACSP - Account selection and Print 
3. HACCBAL - Components of account balance 
4. HACCBALI - Account balance inquiry 
5. HACLI - Account Ledger inquiry 
6. HABMR - Account below minimum balance report 
7. HACLPCA - Account ledger print 
8. HCUACC - Account of customer 
9. HCRV - Customer Search 
10.   HCUDET - Inquire on General Details of Customer 
11.   HACI - Signature Verification 
12.   VSPH - View Signature and Photograph List 
1. HCHBI - Cheques book issue inquiry 
2. HISAI - Inventory Split and Inquiry 
3. HIIA - Inventory Inquiry All 
4. HIMI - Inquire on Inventory Movement 
5. HISI - Inquiring on the inventory 
1. HBR - Balancing report 
2. HQBR - Quick balancing report 
3. HPR - Print report 
4. HISTR - Inter sol transaction report 
5. HISAR - Inter sol audit report 
6. HEXCPRPT - Exceptions Report 
7. HFINRPT - FINRPT Report Generation 
8. HGR - General Report 
9. HPDB - Day Book printing 
10.   HSPRG - Generate Stop Payment Register Report 
11.   HSCWRPT - Shroff Cash Report 
12.   CATREP - Accounts Transfer Report 
13.   HMR - Monthly/Yearly Statistical report 
14.   CSCB - Scheme Balances 
15.   CNSR - HNSR (Monthly/Yearly Nomination Statistical Reports) 
16.   HMEMOPAD - Memo pad Maintenance 
1. HACDET ` - Account details 
2. HGDET - General details 
3. HRELACI - Renewed account inquiry 
4. HPLIST - Pending installment List (Recurring Deposit) 
5. HCUMAT - Customer accounts maturities 
6. HCUTD - Term Deposit of the customer 
7. HDTRS - Deposit Transactions Report Summary 
8. HRENHIST - Term Deposit Renewal History Details of Account 
9. HTDSIP - Tax Report Options 
10.   HTDSREP - Customer Wise TDS Report 
1. HFTI - Financial Transaction Inquiry 
2. HFTR - Financial Transaction Report 
3. HTCPIAE - Teller cash position Inquiry - employee 
4. HTCPIAC - Teller cash position Inquiry- currency 
5. HOCI - Outward cheques Inquiry 
6. HABI - Balance Inquiry 
7. HACSBIO - A/c. Shadow Balance Inquiry 
8. CNSTRP - Transactions Report 
1. CATREP - Accounts transfer Report 
2. CCHQREP - Cheques Report Generation 
3. CMITMA - Minor to Major Report 
4. CRVACC - Dormant Accounts revived Report 
5. CSIREP - Silent account Report 
6. CAFUREP - Account Freeze and Unfreeze Report 
7. CWAREP - Welcome Kit Account Report 
8. CWDREP - Report of SB Withdrawals above Rs.10000 
9. HACDET - A/c. Balance Details 
10.   CNAC - Old Accounts Details Look Up 
11.   HACCDET - Inquire on General Details of Account 
12.   HAFSM - Account freeze/Unfreeze 
13.   HSSII - Inquire on standing instructions maintenance 
14.   HSIREPTS - Standing Instructions Reports 
1. HFTI - Financial Transaction Inquiry 
2. HSVALRPT - SOL VAL Reports 
3. HSCOD - To Change Date (Day End) 
4. HSOLCOP - SOL Closure 
5. HSCOLD - SOL Closure for Last Day 
6. HSSI - Inquire on SOL status

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